Thursday, March 22, 2007

Amber Frangos

Amber Frangos is the author of "The Butterfly Net" and "No Child is Safe: from Internet Crime, A Guide for Parents", two very interesting and informative books regarding children on the Internet. She has spent years educating children and adults about the dangers of the Internet. Her books have tips to help keep your children safe online, as well as describing how predators use the Internet to gain access to children and their personal information.
To purchase her books or for more information please visit:

1 comment:

Jules said...

Wow Allison, ur blog is really informative. You did an awesome job-you definitely know more about the internet than I do! Your blog has a really important purpose and your a really good writer so you definitely get the information across well. And you got all 15 posts done already, which is a plus! Are you going to continue posting in it? I think you should; maybe you can even post up the link or something on the police stations website so people can check it out! Well, see you in class tomorrow!