Thursday, February 8, 2007

Location is Everything

The most important thing to take into consideration when you have a child who uses the Internet is the physical location of the computer. Many parents overlook where the child’s computer or the family computer is located. The absolute worst place to allow children to access the Internet is in their bedroom. If the computer is out of sight, parents are unable to supervise what the child is doing and where the child is going online. Children accessing the Internet located on computers in an open area are less likely to look at inappropriate images, communicate with unknown people, post personal pictures, and give out personal information. Knowing that someone may be looking over their shoulder keeps them from doing things that they know are wrong. Children accessing the Internet from the comfort of their bedroom have the privacy to go to whatever Web sites they choose and communicate with whomever they choose without having to worry about anyone seeing what they are doing. If a computer is located in a child’s bedroom, it is important that they do not have access to the Internet. Keep in mind that many children today are so technologically savvy that they are able to tap into wireless networks with ease!

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